
Evaluating my guide book

 The purpose of my guide was to keep the form simple for people to flick through to get the information they need, the 12 pages allows for it to be taken when travelling and used abroad because it is lightweight and takes up a little amount of space. The tone of my guide book is a bit 'tongue in cheek'. Which makes the guide fun and an easy read. 

personal skills evaluation

  The skills in which I wished to develop were: Time management, organisation and planning  Digital and conventions of magazine making  Prioritisation and balance Presentation and oracy /confidence  independent work  these skills link top my 3rd aim to develop research skills  How I believe I developed these skills: I stuck to a strict plan and set dates and deadlines in which to achieve processes in stages to avoid being overwhelmed toward the end of my project. By doing this I was also able to fit in revision for my other subjects and complete coursework deadlines and tests outside of EPQ. I completed a magazine, to do this I had to use formats I hadn't used before, it taught me presentation of my work and I got to produce an informational and fun travel brochure. I was very nervous for my presentation because at first I wasn't confident speaking in front of people but I practiced with people who I knew I felt comfortable with in order to be well rehearsed and therefore confi

Source sheet

  Source Reference Reliability What I was hoping to find out Brief Summery Date visited Internet Novo Banco are a private Portuguese bank so it could be argued that it would be in their interest to provide this information. However, it appears to be reliable and references laws and has hyperlinks to government sites. The laws for maintaining land: land must be cleaned from dry brush and long grass before summer all fires must be outside of the high risk fire season. This website has information about the requirement and criteria you need for moving and there is also hyperlinks to government sites where they site laws for clearing land and building houses 06/10/21 Internet